Severe Acne Remedies – Kill Zits Forever Naturally And Safely Starting Now

If you suffer from acne, tea tree oil might sound like a good option for getting rid of it – but does it work? There’s so much hype around natural treatments now sometimes the truth gets buried for the sake of being environmentally friendly.

In this day and age we know going green and adapting to the change of using eco friendly products is a good idea. If you knew the cleaning products you buy could be hazardous to your health and the environment wouldn’t you want change to a healthier non hazardous product? There is no doubt that we have to start doing something and it should not cost anymore to make the change, don’t you agree? So if all these things are to be true what would stop you from making changes for our environment?

Put a few drops of oil in water and gargle with it and spit it out. It is good treatment for gingivitis, tooth ache or tooth infection. It is good treatment for clearing up a sore throat.

Treating the fungal infection can be very easy yet needs consistency. It will be a bit slow because we need to remove all the remaining bacteria in the nails before they finally disappear. Untreated cases can even stay for many years due to inconsistency in the treatment. The use of tea tree oil for nail fungus treatment is a very popular way to get rid of the problem. There are enzymes in the tea tree oil that helps remove the infection caused by the fungus.

The oil is typically given a topical treatment. That means that the patient does not have to ingest it but can introduce it to the locality of the infection. One method is to soak the feet in a solution of tea tree olie for toenail fungus. That should be done for about twenty minutes, twice a day. The sessions should be spread out between morning and afternoon so that the fungal pathogens do not have the opportunity to regroup after the treatment.

If you have a baby, you can use tea tree oil in your diaper cream to help prevent diaper rash. Be careful though as some children can have allergic reactions so always do a skin patch test first. Also only use very small quantities and never use this oil neat on a child’s skin.

When applying vinegar, use a cotton swab directly to the rash area a few times a day to eliminate the ringworm. Don’t forget to wash your face and make sure the skin is dry before using the vinegar and cotton swabs. Remember, vinegar can be harsh to your skin, so test the reaction with vinegar before using it on your face area. Vinegar has anti fungal properties that eradicates the fungus after a few days of treatment. Vinegar works similar to tea tree oil. Vinegar can also be tried for athlete’s foot and jock itch which are forms of the tinea infection.

Find a product that has other acne-fighting ingredients like witch hazel or benzoyl peroxide in it. Again, try a few things, because some products might irritate your skin more than others. Sometimes it simply is a case of trial and error?