How To Get Traffic To Your Website! – 5 Things You Need To Know About Online Traffic

Every day when I check my current social feeds, I notice an author friend has joined the next new thing. I couldn’t tell you how often a brand new social platform with a funny name picks up interest, but I don’t doubt that with each launch there’s an author trying to figure out how to use it for book promotion. As an author, I like to think outside the box where selling books is concerned, though I recognize the importance of reading terms of service policies to make sure I don’t step on any toes. Nonetheless, if you’re still trying to wrap your head around Twitter and become overwhelmed by new gadgets and sites, don’t worry. They’re here to help with word of mouth, and some are quite simple to use.

If you want one of your photos to appear in the Acheter des likes instagram “most popular” list, then you will have to work hard and be patient. Patience is not just a virtue but will turn out to become the key to being rated “Most Popular”.

Let’s say you are a clothing manufacturer who imports cloth from China and then sells your men’s shirts on the Internet. You might want to get followers who have brick-and-mortar clothing stores and could carry your men’s shirts. Or you might want to get followers who have their own online stores and could carry your men’s shirts.

Don’t be a phony. No one likes a phony and they are easier to spot than you may think. Don’t hide your real identity. social media is all about engagement and relationship building. How many valuable relationships do you know that have been built by anonymity? Just be your nice, sharing, intelligent, thoughtful, charming self and you will be sure to achieve your objectives for engaging in social media.

This is the MOST important word. GIVE. Why? In social media, it is not the same ol business methodology. It is Biblical- if you will. “Give first- and what you give- you reap.” Giving is the culture of social Media. Why do you think that people give so much rocking hot info on their blogs?

With this topic alone we could actually write a five article series on traffic generation. However, for the sake of time will just discuss the big three.

Post a public photo with instructions that the first X amount of people to comment on that photo will receive a direct message from your business with details on how to enter a secret contest. Then ask each of the contestants to submit a photo to be entered to win a large prize. The person with the best photo is then awarded the prize. You can then repost these photos to various social channels for added content. Your customer will be pleased to be in the spotlight and will share the news with even more friends!